Sunday, June 3, 2007

Kindred ball is rolling

I met director Scott Howe before I met any of the other writers and directors at the PCS Cast & Crew Call. I introduced myself as "Dr. Chen" as I knew that was the lead character's name in his movie Kindred (I know you're thinking, "smooth move ex-lax") needless to say, I didn't score the role of Dr. Chen. What I did score however, was a role as "Nurse Sarah", Script Supervisor , on-camera host for the "Making of Featurette", the lead role in two other films that Scott wrote (which we will begin filming after Kindred is wrapped), an appreciation for the film making process, amazing contacts (not the lenses but the people like Paul Nicknig and his family, Tomi Kelley and her family, Joaquin Murietta, Laura Tapia (hair/makeup/special effects), Ron Brokenbrough, Chris Terry, Giovannie Pico I could go all night) but most importantly I scored a new friend.
Get this, later I find out that Scott's wife, RuiXia (pronounced "Ray-ja") was actually a classmate of mine in a comm. course I took at Sac City College a while back! I absolutely adored her then and I adore her now. Same goes for Scott's daughter Jodi (who plays "Patient Tracy" in Kindred), love that girl!

Today was our first production meeting for Kindred. I went online and looked at Script Supervisor duties before I took off and quickly wondered if I bit off more than I could chew...

What's continuity again?

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